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Razgovor s korisnikom:AdnanSa

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Izvor: Wikiknjige
Posljednji komentar: prije 8 godina (Rschen7754) u temi Your administrator status on bs.wikibooks

Ubacio sam Wiki junior na početnu stranu. Ako treba jos nesto, samo reci. --Elmir[demicx] 00:24, 18 februar 2007 (UTC)



Posto si ti jedini koji ovdje radi a ja jedini koji ima upravnicka prava, htio sam te predloziti za administratora. Toliko vandala ovdje i nema ali je ipak bolje da makar jos jedna osoba ima sysop ovlasti na ovome projektu. Nadam se da nemas nista protiv. Glasanje cu da otvorim samo pro forma i po kratkom postupku. Pozdrav. --Elmir[demicx] 21:03, 8 juni 2007 (UTC)

  • Može bolje da nas je više, red je da neko i tebe zamijeni kada odeš na godišnji :) AdnanSa 08:52, 9 juni 2007 (UTC)

Interni linkovi


Ado, zamolio bih te, da ukoliko si u mogućnosti, dodaš na svaku stranicu bar jedan interni link, jer u protivnom wikipedia ne broji taj članak. Pozdravi. Kahriman -- 22:34, 8 juni 2007 (UTC)

  • No problem AdnanSa 08:52, 9 juni 2007 (UTC)



Dobio si sysop status. Cestitam. --Elmir[demicx] 11:29, 10 juni 2007 (UTC)

  • Hvala na ukazanom povjerenju :) AdnanSa 23:06, 11 juni 2007 (UTC)

Your administrator status on bs.wikibooks


Hello. A policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, etc.) was adopted by community consensus in 2013. According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing activity on wikis with no inactivity policy.

You meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no log actions for 2 years) on the wiki listed above. Since that wiki does not have its own rights review process, the global one applies.

If you want to keep your rights, you should inform the community of the wiki about the fact that the stewards have sent you this information about your inactivity. If the community has a discussion about it and then wants you to keep your rights, please contact the stewards at m:Stewards' noticeboard, and link to the discussion of the local community, where they express their wish to continue to maintain the rights.

If you wish to resign your rights, you can reply here or request removal of your rights on Meta.

If there is no response at all after approximately one month, stewards will proceed to remove your administrator and/or bureaucrat rights. In ambiguous cases, stewards will evaluate the responses and will refer a decision back to the local community for their comment and review. If you have any questions, please contact the stewards. Rschen7754 01:00, 22 juli 2016 (KSV)Odgovori